Friday 9 November 2007

Ahh, Saturdays...

I'm sure that once I get around to actually having kids, 'Saturday' will take on a whole new meaning, but for now, I'm looking forward to another pajama-fest that involves - well, pajamas... - and a whole lotta yarn.

Last Saturday I managed to knock off a few Christmas presents, and with those added to goodies purchased from TagsOnBags, JennGee and CorinnaMaggyDesignsetc, my Christmas shopping is well and truly underway.

But despite promises to hubby that I wouldn't make anything else for the shop until something sold, this just seemed to crochet itself from the leftover yarn of a scarf for a deserving cousin... And once I'd finished it, I couldn't very well NOT list it, could I?? :) (BTW, the scarf in the photo is also available - the Alpaca Hairpin Lace one...) What's a girl to do??

So I guess I'll just have to see what tomorrow's creativity brings...

1 comment:

glasfaden said...

Of course, you MUST have listed it, Beth - it's beautiful! And creativity must go on!!